Hillsboro Water Treatment Plant
Hurst-Rosche Engineers was commissioned to design a new $12 million water treatment plant for the City of Hillsboro. Services included loan and grant application assistance; construction administration, observation services; and tracking of project funds during the construction phase.
The water plant project consisted of a 3.5 MGD raw water pump station on Glenn Shoals Lake and a 3.5 MGD water plant constructed on a 10-acre greenfield site. The raw water pump station is a 1,000 square foot concrete masonry unit structure with a shingled roof. The raw water pump station houses two 150 Hp raw water pumps with variable frequency drives and related process piping and controls with room for an additional third pump was installed in the future. 8,000 LF of 16-inch raw water pipe was installed to connect the new raw water pump station to the new water plant.
The new building consists of an office/control area; chemical feed area; and process equipment area. The chemical feed area houses the anionic polymer, potassium permanganate, fluoride, ammonia, chlorine, cationic polymer, lime, and alum chemical feed systems. The process area houses the head tank; two 42’ diameter clari-cones; four 18’ diameter decelerating filters; two 75 Hp high service pumps; two 125 Hp high service pumps; two 60 Hp backwash pumps; and necessary process piping, controls and sampling equipment.
In addition to the water treatment plant building, the 10-acre water plant site includes a 500,000-gallon concrete clearwell; backwash waste lift station; settling ditches; and a bulk water sales station. The bulk water sales station is located near the east entrance to the 10-acre site and provides bulk water haulers with easily accessible loading facilities.
The water plant project consisted of a 3.5 MGD raw water pump station on Glenn Shoals Lake and a 3.5 MGD water plant constructed on a 10-acre greenfield site. The raw water pump station is a 1,000 square foot concrete masonry unit structure with a shingled roof. The raw water pump station houses two 150 Hp raw water pumps with variable frequency drives and related process piping and controls with room for an additional third pump was installed in the future. 8,000 LF of 16-inch raw water pipe was installed to connect the new raw water pump station to the new water plant.
The new building consists of an office/control area; chemical feed area; and process equipment area. The chemical feed area houses the anionic polymer, potassium permanganate, fluoride, ammonia, chlorine, cationic polymer, lime, and alum chemical feed systems. The process area houses the head tank; two 42’ diameter clari-cones; four 18’ diameter decelerating filters; two 75 Hp high service pumps; two 125 Hp high service pumps; two 60 Hp backwash pumps; and necessary process piping, controls and sampling equipment.
In addition to the water treatment plant building, the 10-acre water plant site includes a 500,000-gallon concrete clearwell; backwash waste lift station; settling ditches; and a bulk water sales station. The bulk water sales station is located near the east entrance to the 10-acre site and provides bulk water haulers with easily accessible loading facilities.